Selasa, 30 Maret 2010



1.Describe there hallmarks of scientific research


  • the manager has strated with a definite aim or purpose for the research ( purposivennes)
  • rigor : A good theoretical base and a sound methodological design would add rigor to purposive study
  • testability: manager or research develops certain hypotheses on how employee commitment be tested by applying statistical tests to data collected for the purpose
  • replicability: that is participation in decisions making is one of the most important factors that influences the commitment of employes to the organization.
  • Precision and confidence : in management research, we seldom have the luxury of being able to draw “definitive” conclusions based on the results of data analysis.
  • Objectivity : they should be based on the facts resulting from the findings from data, and not based on our own subjective or emotional values.
  • Benera Lizibility : refers to scope of applicability of the research finding in one organizational setting to other settings.
  • Parsimony : Simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problems that occur and ingenerating solutions for the problems ,is always preffered to complex research frame works that consider an unmanageable numbers of factors.

2.What are the steps in hypothetico-dedductive research? Explain them,using an example not in the book.

Answer :

  • Observation : is the first stage, in which one senses that certain changes are occurring, or that same new behaviors, attitudes and feelings are surefacing in one’s environment. Ex: we have sensitive what happening in the work place.
  • Preliminary infomtion gathering : involves the seeking of information in depth, of what is observed . ex: we have must gathering information on what is occur.
  • Hypothesiting : step after theory formulation. ex: Testing of research.
  • Further scientific data collection.
  • After the development of the hipotheses, data with respect to each variable in the hipotheses need to be optained. ex: data will need to the test hipotheses.
  • Data analysis : the data gathered are statistically analyzed to see if the hipotheses that were generated have been supported. Ex: the data have been tasted appropriate. The analysis ststistical.
  • Deduction : the data analysis result. Ex: The final of conclution for problem.

3. One hears the word research being by Various groups, including research organizations, college and university professors, doctoral students, graduate assistants working of faculty, graduate and undergraduate student doing there term papers, research departments in industis. Newspaper reporter, journalists lawyers, doctors and other professionals and non professionals. In the light of what you have learned in this chapter. Which among aforementroned groups people do you thing maybe doing “scientific” investigations in the areas of basic or applied reaserch ? why?

Answer : because research is very useful for every organization.

4.Explain the processes of deduction and induction, giving an example of each.

Answer :

Deduction : is procces by wich we arrive at a reasoned clonclition by logically generalizing from a know fach. Ex : we know that all high performers are highly proficient in their jobs.

Induction : is a process where we observe certain phenomena and on this basis arrive at conclution. Ex : we see that the production processes are the prime feature of factories or manufatoring plants. And the and the clonclude that factories exist for production purposes.

5.If reaserch in the management area cannot be 100 percent scientific. Why brother to do it at all?

Comment on this statement

Answer : because it would interfere in the management process

6.Critique the following reaserch done in a service industry as to the extent to which it meets the hallmark of scientific investigation discussed in this chapter.

Answer : not in accordance with the existing order

Nama Kelompok :

  1. Anang Hermanto ( 20207098 )
  2. Bondan Untoro ( 20207216 )
  3. Hendra Hidayat ( 20205573 )
  4. Mahensal Ifnu Prabowo ( 20207682 )
  5. Mohammad Wisnu Prabowo ( 20207725 )

Kelas : 3 EB 12



1.Define research and explain the different between applied and basic research.

Answer : business research as an organized,systematic,database,critical,objective,scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solution to it.and the different between applied and basic research is, applied research done with the intention of applying the results of the findings to solve specivic problems currently being experience in the organizations,and basic research done chiefly to enhance the understanding of certain problems that commonly occur in organization settings,and seek methods of solving them.

2.Why is it important for managers to know about research ?

Answer : the important for managers to know about research because they will become more discriminating when sifting through information in business journals,take calculate risk in the decision making, knowing full well the probabilities attached to the different possible outcomes.

3.Exlain why handling the manager – researcher relationship effectively is important .

Answer : it is very important because managers should know about research for good decision making.

4.Describe a situation where it would be more beneficial to engage an external research team rather than an internal one !

Answer : if a problems is a complex one, or if there are likely to be vested interest, or if the very existence of the organization is at stake because of one or more serious problems, it would be advisable to engage external researcher despite the increase cost involve.

5.“ because basic research is not applied immediately to a problem, it is less valuable and

Answer : my comment is that some applied research could have a shorter time frame that some basic research.

6.“ if managers learn how to conduct good research by taking a course such as this book offers , there would be no need to here anyone to solve problems in organizations . “ What is your response to this statement ?

Answer : my response in this statement is yes I agree with this statement because such knowledge sharpens, manager sensitivity to the mw riad variables operating in a situation & reminds of them of the multicausality and multifinality of phenomena, thus avoiding inappropriate, simplis is notions of one variable causing another.

7.Described a situation where research will help you as a manager to make a good decision ?

Answer : Xerox is unsular and isn’t ready for the increasingly competitive, high-tech world. Xerox still relies on old fashioned and slow selling analog copiers for more than half its revenue, and despite its double digit growth in digital products and services, the company’s sales rose just a persent.

8.Given the following situation : a. Discuss with reasons , whether it will fall in to the category of applied or basic research , and b. Who will conduct the research

a. Applied research

b. part of corporate management, corporate finance section

Answer : According to this text box is used basic research to know about this problem will conduct the research is manager and external researcher.

Nama Kelompok :

  1. Anang Hermanto ( 20207098 )
  2. Bondan Untoro ( 20207216 )
  3. Hendra Hidayat ( 20205573 )
  4. Mahensal Ifnu Prabowo ( 20207682 )
  5. Mohammad Wisnu Prabowo ( 20207725 )

Kelas : 3 EB 12